God called me to follow Him at age 7.  Growing up in a family of four (later 5), I experienced what I felt was a fully-engaged childhood.  Much of my time was spent imagining myself a great astronaut, a superhero, a time-traveler, or one of the greatest illusionists who ever lived.  In the early years, my younger brother, Jim, was both my best playmate, and at times, my stiffest competition (especially in regard to good grades at school).

My father worked many jobs (for at least one period, all at once) over the course of my early young life.  Sometimes, those jobs even involved serving in ministry (a leading God later passed onto me).  Up through my years in elementary school, my mother worked at home as a full-time mom.  God also equipped her, on more than one occasion, to accept ministry support positions (from worship choir member, to VBS leader, nursery worker and even children's choir director).

A trusting child, I was taught concerning God's design for authority placed over me, both for my own personal security, as well as a means for correction (Romans 13).  As with us all, while there were times of protest, in the end, I knew it to my benefit to comply and follow the rules.  Furthermore, my creativity, and my evolving faith in God was also greatly spurred on by those grown ups which I looked up to.  Though "hyperactive" (later A.D.D.), I, nonetheless desired to follow wisdom gleaned by my elders in my choices and in regard to personal life-planning. 

It wasn't until age 12, when this trust was betrayed, and things drastically changed for me.  I found myself suddenly on a path of confusion, loneliness and anger.  

While all else outside aged, my heart remained a frightened twelve-year-old boy.

Praise God when, many years later, He placed me before a stream of godly men and women of faith, who affirmed and counseled me back on-track.

I learned that I was not to blame for what hit me, and that God's love for me showed through, and in spite of the pain.  I then placed my full faith in Christ to restore what sin had tried to destroy (Romans 8:18-39).

Today, that trust has never been stronger.  He has truly become for me my Abba--my “Dad” (Rom. 8:15).

As such, I quest to know and engage Him LIVE and in person, together with the accountability and partnership of pastors, mentors and friends.  It is God's gift of active engagement with and through His Word which fortifies my heart with an ever-building storehouse of Truth
(Jer. 33:3; Jn. 14:6).

At the same time, I am especially grateful to God for His gift to me in my partner for life, my beautiful Bride, Melissa, as well as for the blessing of our children,
Micah and Mikayla.

Bottom line...This present life IS hard, but
God is good...and
I trust Him! (Psalm 4:8)

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